3 Hours of Unarmed Stage Combat
3 Hours of Sabre for the Stage
Stage Combat Fundamentals in One Day
To perform fights on stage, there are two elements: performer safety and the illusion of violence. When you want to look like you’re trying to kill someone, it’s a bad idea to improvise. The fight looks like crap and people get hurt.
In this intensive one-day workshop, we’ll cover the basics of stage combat, including:
- Slaps
- Punches
- Hair Pulls
- Chokes
- Falls
- Sword parries and footwork
- Sword attacks
- Wounds and death
Important and Convenient
Anyone who performs fights for entertainment needs to know these essentials, whether you’re acting in plays or film, or performing fight demonstrations.
It’s at Academie Duello, conveniently located in downtown Vancouver.
It’s happening on a Sunday, a one-day commitment, ending early enough that you still have your evening to see a show and enjoy the rest of your weekend. It’s also affordable to anyone who has an interest: $80 for the full day.
More Info
Keep yourself safe and look like an action hero. Register by dropping by Academie Duello: 420 W. Hastings St., or call 604-568-9907.
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