By popular demand, here is a list of books on Bartitsu:
Bartitsu-compendiumThe Bartitsu Compendium I & II edited by Tony Wolf
Sherlock Holmes School of Self-Defence by Ivy Press

Closely Related Victorian Material:

The Secrets of Jujitsu by Re-Nie
Jiu Jitsu and Other Methods of Self Defense by Percy Longhurst
Boxing by R.G. Allanson-Winn
Scientific Boxing by James J. Corbett
Art of Boxing by William Edwards

Other Combat Books I recommend:

Small Circle Jujitsu by Wally Jay
Jiu Jitsu Complete by Kiyose Nakae
Krav Maga: How to Protect Yourself Against Armed Assault by Imi Sde-Or
The Wing Chun Compendium by Wayne Belonoha
Jeet Kune Do: Entering to Trapping to Grappling by Larry Hartsell
CIA Combat Training
Bare-Knuckle Boxer’s Companion by David Lindholm
Attack Proof by John Perkins

Some of these books are in print and can be ordered. Others are out of print and may be difficult to find. Some are available free online. Others can be downloaded in digital format for a fee.

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