The team at Film Riot have just finished Action Month, during which they shot several short action films (and a lot of behind-the-scenes footage) with their production company Triune Films. Listen to host Ryan Connolly describe the reasoning behind decisions and choices of equipment made in the early stages of pre-production planning, through the process of shooting the scene, and finally during post-production editing.
There’s lots of internet video to watch this week, so not as much commentary from me.
Foot Chase
In the first installment, the team looked at a foot chase. Although you can learn a lot from this, I know you’re here for the combat, so you can scroll down for the fight scenes.
Week 1: Foot Chase – A Short Action Scene
Making an Action Scene: Foot Chase
Uncut Behind the Scenes: Foot Chase
Car Chase
As I’ve said before, all fights are chases, so learning how to film a chase is very important. However, the fighting is yet to come.
Week 2: Car Chase – A Short Action Scene
Making a Car Chase
Uncut Behind the Scenes: Car Chase
Hall Fight
This is a series of fights in a building that I would categorize as “special forces” fighting. It’s not quite an Eastern martial arts fight because it lacks the exuberant style, but all the fighters seem trained and capable of some deadly hand-to-hand combat.
Week 3: Hall Fight – A Short Action Scene
How to Shoot a Fight Scene
Uncut Behind the Scenes: Hall Fight
High Fall
A staple of stunt work, the high fall may sound simple, but this video is worth a watch if only to remind yourself of the inherent danger.
Week 4: High Fall – A Short Action Scene
Filming Stunt Falls
Uncut Behind the Scenes: High Fall
Bar Brawl
A humourous fight in a bar using breakaway glass, a chair and a jukebox. Pay attention to the stair fall and how the performers sell the hits with their reactions, even though they don’t talk about it much.
Week 5: Bar Brawl – A Short Action Scene
Stunts, Breakaway Glass and Props